Welcome to Aryavart Institute Shimla


Terms & Conditios

1. Students must abide by the rules and regulations of Aryavart Institute at all times.
2. Parents and guardians are expected to demonstrate their commitment to the education process by encouraging students and respecting our staff.
3. Should a student cause any damage to the Centre’s property, parents or guardians are to be held responsible for compensation including full costs of repair.
4. Students are responsible for their own wellbeing and must bring pack lunch (drinking water, fridge and microwave are available but only members of staff can operate).
5. We have the right to expel students who breach rules on a regular basis; we operate on a 3-strike policy. Attaining a 3rd strike will result in immediate expulsion after consultation with parent or guardian. Aryavart Institute decision in such cases will be final and students will have no legal remedy against expulsion in such cases.
6. Strikes can be implemented for actions such as (but not limited to) abuse towards staff, abuse towards peers, any form of bullying, any rude words spoken or written, damage to Centre’s property, failure to attend classes, being consistently late, not completing homework, consistently not bringing in materials.
7. Students are expected to observe and act upon the lesson timetable and must attend all classes on time.
8. Must enter and exit the Centre premises accordingly and sensibly to avoid disturbance to others.
9. Resource fee of 1000 must be paid during registration, which non-refundable.
10. Workbooks, exercise books and task sheets given by the Centre are to be kept neat, tidy and presentable.
11. Fees will be calculated in advance and invoiced 1st of each month which is to be paid full in advance. Failure to pay the fees on time may result in exclusion from classes.
12. If a student cannot attend the lesson fee must still be paid but they will receive compensation hours which can be used during extra revision time.
13. If a student is expelled or leaves before the end of the month the remaining fee is forfeited. The Centre will not refund remaining fees in such circumstances.
14. If classes are cancelled fees will be fully refunded, students will be notified of any cancellations.
15. If parent or guardian wishes to withdraw their child/children they must give 4 weeks written notice.
16. Compensation hours accumulated will not be accessible or refunded once a student is either withdrawn or expelled.
17. Aryavart Institute reserves the right to amend the rules and regulations as and when necessary.